Building Brains: 600 Activity Ideas for Young Children (Birth to Age 5) In Stock Now

From the Publisher:

"Young children's brains develop connections at a rapid rate, and the experiences and environment you provide play major roles in how learning takes place. Blending what is known about early brain development with ideas that support careful planning, thoughtful curriculum, and meaningful activities, this resource is filled with valuable information to help you help children reach their full potential.

Building Brains includes

  • Experiences that drive young children's growth, engage all senses, encourage social and emotional skills, enhance motor skills, and provide interesting and unique practice in the areas of cognitive, language, and literacy development
  • Information to help you understand the application of brain research to activities as you plan curriculum
  • Ideas to provide a rich, experience-based, developmentally appropriate environment"

Author:  Suzanne R. Gellens

Language:  English

Pages:  168

Published:  2012