Everyday Early Learning: Easy and Fun Activities and Toys Made from Stuff You Can Find Around the House In Stock Now

From the Publisher:

"Filled with activities that promote learning simply by letting children be children, Everyday Early Learning has over 75 ideas to get children exploring and discovering using common items such as bobby pins, craft sticks, and cookie cutters. Packed with a punch of educational value, these activities build children's skills in literacy, math, science, and social areas.

Child care providers in all settings can count on Jeff Johnson's creative inspiration for implementing fun learning activities with minimal effort and cost. A scale ranging from one, “no construction,” to three, “worth the work,” rates the required labor. Material lists contain items that can be found around the house or purchased at local discount, grocery, hardware, and dollar stores.

These activities are easily affordable, endlessly enjoyable, and appreciatively educational."

Author:  Jeff A. Johnson, Zoe Johnson

Language:  English

Pages:  136

Published:  2008