El Mundo Overdue

From the Publisher:

"Sing around the world, from mountains to valleys, in towns and cities, with all the fish, birds, trees and flowers of the Earth! Adapted from the popular spiritual song, and with helpful endnotes, this Spanish-language edition of the classic Barefoot singalong Whole World is wonderfully uplifting and richly informative."

"Printed on forest-friendly paper, this sweet children's book includes a sing-along CD and eco-tips for preserving the planet" — The O List, Oprah Magazine

Illustrator:  Christopher Corr

"He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" by Margaret Bonds

Sung by Javier Mendoza

Ages: 3-10­­ years

Pages:  32

Published:  2007  (2019 with CD)

CD (audio) included